Dental Implants

It wasn’t that many years ago that if you had a broken or lost tooth, you simply had to live with it. Thanks to the creation of dental implants in 1965, those who once faced the stigma of being ‘toothless’ now have a world of natural-looking teeth opened up to them again.
What are Dental Implants?
Dental implants in Perth are common place now but what exactly are they?
If you imagine a tooth that grew with you through life, it sits firmly in your jaw via a set of roots. A dental implant replicates this via a titanium base which is screwed into your jaw, beneath your gums. Your dental technician at Glen Forrest Dental Care then custom-makes a porcelain tooth that they then screw into the titanium base. Most patients need one titanium base for every tooth being replaced but if it’s a number of teeth being replaced, your dentist may opt for attachments to a denture.
To the naked eye, no-one would know the tooth implant is man-made. They look extremely natural and will be colour-matched to fit in perfectly with the real teeth beside them. They also work like natural teeth when you’re eating.
Dental Implant Procedure
As you can understand, the procedure for putting the titanium bases in place is done via surgery. For patients who are concerned about being awake during the procedure we can provide some sedation options. However, most patients opt to have the implants placed using local anaesthesia. This is only after we’re satisfied that you:
- Have been given a full dental plan
- Fully understand the time your tooth implant will take, and the cost
- Have healthy gums ready for the procedures about to take place
You’ll need to undergo two stages of treatment. In the first, your dentist will drill a small hole into your jawbone and carefully screw the titanium base in place. The gum that was moved to allow the base to be inserted is then placed over the top of the implant so it can heal.
Approximately 4-6 months later when the implant has bonded firmly to the jawbone, a very small post, known as an abutment, is attached to the titanium implant. This is what we connect your new tooth, otherwise known as a crown, to.
How do we get the tooth to fit in so well? We would have taken an impression of your teeth prior to the first surgery. From this, a model of your mouth is made. It shows your bite and teeth arrangement around the implant. Your new tooth/teeth are designed to match your existing natural teeth.
How Do Dental Implants Work?
The genius of dental implant design is that they have the feel and function of natural teeth. They don’t move around like dentures and you can eat crunchy foods because they perform just like natural teeth.
What are the Advantages of Dental Implants
There are many advantages to dental implants that make them a clear and popular choice.
- They look very natural. So real that people who never knew you before will be none the wiser.
- Minimal pain. One of the first patient concerns is pain. Wonderfully, out of the hundreds of dental implants in Perth that we’ve completed, minimal pain has been reported. Some patients have told us that a tooth extraction was more painful. Mild soreness can be experienced which is easily handled with over-the-counter medications.
- Easy to care for. Regular dental hygiene will assist with the success rate of dental implants. Brush, floss, use mouthwash and make sure you keep up with your 6-monthly visits to Glen Forrest Dental Care.
- They will not move around like dentures. Your speech will be normal because the dental implants are fused to your jawbone.
- You can eat crunchy foods without a worry. Dentures make eating apples difficult. Even bread sticks to them and pulls dentures out of place. Because dental implants are fixed to your jaw, they work just like a natural set of teeth do – just make sure you eat a well-balanced diet to support mouth health.
- Your confidence returns. We all react positively to a smiling face, which is something you’ll feel like doing non-stop with a perfect set of teeth. Your confidence can’t help but be on a high as people see you looking healthier, you can eat better and you aren’t weighed down with concerns for your mouth health.
- A great success rate. Success with tooth implants can depend on where they’re placed in the jawline but for the majority of patients, the results are very, very good. Patient long-term oral hygiene is a major key in the success rate.
Think you may need dental implants?
If you think tooth implants could be an option for you, here’s a quick checklist:
- You do want to be able to smile again with a full set of natural-looking teeth.
- You do want to preserve the remaining gum and bone in your jaw.
- You do want to eat effortlessly again.
- You do want your dental implant investment to be a one-off surgical procedure that lasts a lifetime.
- You don’t want to wear dentures.
Then let’s get your smile front and centre again with a visit to one of the most professional teams around for dental implants in Perth – Glen Forrest Dental Care. We’ve helped countless clients to realise their new smile dream. We’d love you to be next. Call us today to book an appointment or to speak to one of our trained our team who can answer any questions you may have.